Delivery Information
All of the products can be download only and you will be sent a download link and instructions within approximately one (1-2) business days.
Trying to order any product updates without the correct prior version will result in a cancellation of your order as well as further delivery delays. If you have any questions please call 740-596-1023. Easy-PC Latest Release Update requires any previous Easy-PC for Windows license. Library updates and Gerber updates also require that the user has a valid license of the corresponding product.
If you purchase the optional CD there is a delivery charge of US$12. A hardcopy of the Easy-PC users guide can also be shipped included in the $12 for the CD. The updated users guide is free for new users but there is a nominal charge for existing customers updating their version of Easy-PC to the latest version. So if you want a hardcopy of the manual you will get the CD included in the price. The CDs and manuals ship by USPS Priority Mail and usually arrive within 2-3 days.